Remote Working in the ‘Covid Upside-Down’

This Linkedin article is a piece I wrote with input from a client, reflecting their professional experience.

If one thing has become clear in the post-COVID world of work, it’s the notion that we may never work the same way again.  If that is true, even for the foreseeable, I ask myself: 

How should we motivate teams, maintain purpose, achieve goals and look after one-another? 

I’ve seen a renewed focus on strengthening management structures to support colleagues and teams.  This includes:

    • reviewing effectiveness of reporting lines,
    • regular ‘check-ins’,
    • virtual mentorship,
    • clear signposting and communication, and
    • increased support and guidance to mitigate distance.

Everyone in the project team (me included), must understand evolving goals and aims.  Managing roles and expectations and adapting them to be COVID-realistic is a must, this was especially true here in Melbourne where we have experienced a second wave with more stringent restrictions.

There’s a shift of emphasis in working dynamics.  Working through the ‘COVID Upside Down’ is about employing the management techniques and tools we already know.  It only requires a change of emphasis in how we deploy them and relate to our colleagues.  It’s important teams are given the encouragement to step-up and engage, however it can’t all come from the top down and in truth few people want that kind of environment. 

Team building is at the heart of what I do and has never been more important.  Addressing known barriers and resolving misunderstandings early is a focus.  Not letting problems snowball when we are remote from one another, requires effort.

Remote meetings and interactions have obviously changed. Meetings must become smarter: conceived, structured and facilitated in ways that ensure remote effectiveness.  Everyone must be brought into the debate and if old formats do not work, ditch them; for example:

    • avoid webcam fatigue by using alternatives like messenger, Teams chat or WhatsApp,
    • talk wherever you can to improve connectivity with colleagues and stakeholders. Pick up the phone,
    • use operational logs, remote forums, digital information boards and other technical aids to keep notes that can be accessed by all,
    • diversifying engagement: we recently progressed stakeholder relations via FaceBook Q&As, as well as taking a digital stall at a virtual conference. 

How we relate to one other is most important. Motivating ourselves through tough times requires thought and effort.  My company has used support-strategies like pastoral calls and informal buddy systems.  We have arranged digital socials, bringing us together for quizzes, end of week talks and banter.  The key is offering colleagues a chance to not feel alone, when there is danger that any of us may become isolated.  Acts of appreciation can play a part in maintaining morale; for example, in a lovely gesture, my company sent colleagues a home-hamper to acknowledge the resolve they had shown.  It wasn’t about the gift, as much as it was about the recognition of effort. 

Being ‘COVID-collegiate’ is something we must all focus on.  Offering and seeking help, when needed, is an important aspect of ensuring we all operate safely.  Compassion and understanding are needed, as the personal challenges can be different for each of us.  These are tough times for us all.  It’s especially important we remember that distanced-working brings different challenges – depending on our home setups.  National and regional variations also create different conditions.  Professionally, we need to be realistic and accept the challenges of a working world that is (for now) not the same as it was. 

Find balance in the COVID Upside Down.  It is incumbent on each of us to not overload ourselves or others.  My temptation to over-meet, over-manage and over-control against the backdrop of a crisis, is strong.  But with awareness, it can be overcome.  Remote working, while great for some, is challenging for others.  In my own experience, delineating between work-life and home-life, while working every day within the home is tough.  It’s hard to escape that computer.  The novelty of working at home was fun for a while, but now after many months, that novelty has worn thin. I struggle to escape from work and achieve necessary down-time.  There is no judgement.  We are all different people.  We must try to achieve the balance that is best for our individual health.

It’s going to be a long-game.  Finding the clutch-point that will progress our goals but avoid burn-out or drop-out, is crucial.

It’s not all bad.  There are fantastic positives, as colleagues support one another and raise their game to meet the challenges.  Life in the ‘COVID Upside Down’ is about finding the balance, utilising the relationships, techniques and technologies, that help us all reach our goals and maintain health.

It has been a very strange time for us all but having worked out of Melbourne (Australia’s most locked-down city), I have prepared a reflection on what has become our normal.


Thanks to Colin Campbell for helping with the word-craft.

#remoteworking #melbourne #teambuilding #motivation #COVID19 #lockdown #newnormal #COVIDUpsideDown

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