Noisy City

Walk With Care

Have you ever stopped to listen to the city? Really listen to it in its entirety? Lifted your head and conceived of the symphony of noise that demands to be heard?

Those impatient, abrupt noises that compete for life. Only existing, only validated, if they can are heard above the din.

Noises that rudely cut across each other, jostling in their selfish desire to make their way. Barging through over-crowded space.

The sharp, cutting noises that rent the air and scream most shocking distress.  Inducting others into their state of madness.

What about those low rumbling noises that fluster and bluster their laboured, ‘oh so tedious points’. Unaware – uncaring even – that no one is listening to them. They know themselves well to be bores, yet they bore on, undaunted.

And what of the angry outbursts? Those abrupt loud BANGS that forcibly interject. They will not be ignored. They will make their point! In rage they subside as quickly as they flare. Until the next time. 

There are as many noises in the city as there are souls. Some loud, some, flamboyant, some soft and anonymous. All shapes and sizes, all personalities and types. It just takes a close ear to know them, but in truth, few people take the time. Other peoples noises are not their business.

Why don’t you stop and listen to them, next time you are in the city?

But remember – and keep this to yourself –  listening for noises is something best done on your own. Noises can be self-conscious. More than a few hide furtively when everyone stops to listen.

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